Workout Area
It is really important that you consult your GP prior to starting a new fitness regime. Whilst all workouts are generally suitable from 6-12 weeks (depending on delivery, postnatal recovery and conditions), this is of course dependant on your individual circumstances. If in doubt, stop and seek medical opinion.
Weeks 0-6
Focus on mobilisations, deep breathing, connecting with your core and pelvic floor strengthening. Some gentle walking is all you need at this stage for cardio. Enjoy the baby cuddles
6-12 weeks plus
Walking and low impact activity focusing on functional moves such as squats, lunges and upper body strength
Exercise Progressions Weeks 6-8 - Video
6 months and Beyond
Time to get a little more active if you’re feeling ready. Take your time. Everyone’s body and fitness journey is a little different. When you’re ready to take your fitness a little further, try these
NB not all of these sessions are suitable for diastasis or pelvic floor dysfunction. Please get in touch if you’re not sure